The translation into Greek of titles from international films

The translation-adjustment of international film titles has always been an interesting marketing area in the Greek cinema industry. The foreign titles had to be “translated” into Greek in such a way as to encourage Greek cinema lovers to cross the theatre threshold –they had to be provocative and inviting. G. Vakirtzis had to paint the cinema’s façade Giant poster in the most attractive way, illustrating it in coherence with the meaning of the Greek title.

…G.Vakirtzis is well versed in the art of typography. He is aware that words are bridges to seeing and directly understanding. He uses writing when he must employ a word’s power to show a film for what it is to him. Expressive calligraphy is not a trend exclusive to his day. The power of handwritten phrases often derives from its juxtaposition with the main titles… (from D. Arvanitis’ text in the present volume, p.18).





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